Question: 1 / 50

What does MPR stand for in irrigation terminology?

Manual Pressure Regulation

Matched Precipitation Rate

Matched Precipitation Rate (MPR) is an important concept in irrigation systems that focuses on ensuring uniform water distribution across a landscape. This is crucial for optimizing water usage and promoting healthy plant growth. MPR refers to the rate at which different irrigation components deliver water, such as sprinkler heads or drip emitters, to match the water application rate to the soil absorption rate. This prevents runoff and ensures that water penetrates into the root zone effectively. By using components with a matched precipitation rate, systems can achieve a more consistent application of water, which is essential for reducing water waste and maintaining the health of the landscape. Implementing MPR in design and operation means that various sprinklers or irrigation zones operate efficiently and harmoniously, contributing to a well-balanced irrigation program.

Maximum Performance Rate

Moisture Pressure Regulation


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